Oleee that's me again...I know that my english really SUCKS but...maybe i'll write some parts in slovak...haha to make U think i'm totaly MENTAL...be sure i'm
so what's thiz all about? hmmm let me think...
Lil time ago hmmm maybe more than year ago i met one person...ouuu i've never thought that he would change my life so much...haha I know he treats me like a child [maybe i am slight_smile: and sometime is very damnable like old dirty socks to me insults,says fuckin words about me...ouu yess he tells shit on me but i know he likes me despite thiz...haha
But he knows how to make me smile in every situation,he lets me listen to the most neverendin songz,lets me know whix filmz rock and gimme a seeg...everytime...soo generous
Once he sent me a record with his n his friendz voices...i've laaaaaughed a lot while listening to it...and when i'm sad or a i can't sleep well i just play thiz track and feel much better i don't know why but i like him a loooooot because i've never get bored with him..eh expect of yess yess i won't tell it ...lalaliiii luw ya [ale iba taq okrajowo slight_smile:
Nahahaaaa uplne ze citowy wyylew ze? neberte moc wazne moje slowaa siice nejsuu plytkee ale ...ale nic...prepiinam wolume na MUTE
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